Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

memory game

nah setelah postingan game sebelumnya, kali ini kaka akan menampilkan postingan baru kaka, yaitu memory game. game ini pasti tidak asing lagi bagi kalian karena sudah banyak dijumpai game-game semacam ini. nah biar ga penasaran adik-adik cobain game baru kakak yaaa .. :D

comprehension game

hello adek-adek,,!! :D setelah kalian melihat postingan kakak yang sebelumnya yaitu hotpotatoes, nah kali ini kakak mempostingkan semacam game edukasi yang baru saja kakak bikin, nah buat kalian yang mau memcoba game ini silahkan :)

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Cara Membuat Link Berkedip Bintang Saat Di Sentuh Mouse

Salam semuanya, saya akan sedikit mengulas tentang Cara Membuat Link Berkedip Bintang Saat Di Sentuh Mouse, memang tidak ada habisnya memodifikasi tampilan blog demi menciptakan blog yang lebih bagus namun banyak keluhannya dengan menampilkan berbagai macam efek akan berdampak pada loading blog, namun kalian tidak usah risau tampilan link berkedip ini cukup ringan jadi tidak akan berdampak pada loading blog berat.
Mempunyai keindahan tersendiri ketika mouse mendekati link maka percikan bintang akan keluar itulah yang akan kalian nikmati jika menerapkan kode link berkedip bintang yang telah saya siapkan,sebagai salah satu contoh bisa kalian lihat pada blog saya yang super hancur ini hehehehe, penasaran nih seperti apa sih bintang berkedip itu maka silahkan lihat tutorialnya di bawah ini.
1. Login dulu ke akun blog kalian.
2. Pilih menu Template > Edit HTML ( Centang Expand Widget Templates ).
3. Cari kode </head> kemudian copy kode di bawah dan pastkena tepat di atas kode </head>.
a:hover { text-decoration:blink;
background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJyn4W9Q70uJ3-_s6bzEdwh3wLcZ8tdfd0PDpQyxqIpYMJ8oWQtX9fLFl-cjeSAF7KQZ02-sjXg0UOC5TQYhbbJ04teFdRIwckJPpCGoZPjDnaoNSaVDL7WLQkh86sdagQ4jompqIqjQ/s1600/hansmjlkcommunity.gif); }

4. Kemudian save dan silahkan lihat hasil kerja kalian.

Jika kalian berhasil maka akan menghasilkan percikan bintang seperti di bawah ini.

Demikian tutorial yang bisa saya berikan tentang Cara Membuat Link Berkedip Bintang Saat Di Sentuh Mouse semoga dapat bermanpaat buat semuanya. :D

CV vs Resume

Common belief is that the difference between a curriculum vitae (CV) and a résumé (commonly written as resume) is that a CV is used in the UK while a resume is used in the US. While that is true, there is actually a small difference between the two documents. A resume is typically not more than a page long, and contains a summary of a person's relevant job experience and education. A curriculum vitae - which means "course of life" in Latin - is a longer document that includes details of important but relatively less relevant things, like a more detailed description of education, publications, awards, affiliations and other academic accomplishments.
Both are typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment.

Comparison chart

Curriculum Vitae


Length Two pages or a little more One page, sometimes two pages
Contents Name, contact information, education, work experience and relevant work-related skills. Includes a summary of academic background as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details Name, contact information, education, work experience and relevant work-related skills. Focus is on work experience, listed in reverse chronological order.
Commonly written as CV Resume
Purpose In Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, employers expect a CV. In the U.S., a CV is used primarily when applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions. Job applications.
other purpose personal use Official use

Benefits of Education from an Online High School

Benefits of Education from an Online High School

Whether you are an adult who never completed your primary education or the parent of a child in need of special attention and flexibility, getting a diploma from an online high school may be the right choice for you. With this option, you will have a number of benefits. You will be able to take control of your education. You can learn everything you would be taught in a classroom in the comfort of your own home. You can take charge of the decisions that you make and the path that you will take during your education.

An online high school can offer an array of advantages. Mostly, you will have complete control over your education. You will have the ability to study your own assignments at your own pace. You can focus on the assignments that may take you a bit longer to complete, while easily and quickly going through assignments that are easier for you. The flexibility on education on the Internet is unmatched. Most programs allow you attend your virtual class at any time of the day, so you can work around your busy schedule. Many people that take classes on the Internet have busy schedules and often full time jobs. This form of education will allow you to work on your own terms and on your own time.

Traditional education for many people means more than just learning. When getting your diploma on the Internet, you can avoid the distractions that come along with the traditional classroom. You won’t have to deal with the cliques and other distracting students while you work on your own time. You can study when you want and where you want. Plus, many times a teacher in a traditional classroom just cannot spend extra time during class time helping each individual student with his or her own specific problems. When working within the online high school, if you do not understand a particular topic, you can take your time and pace yourself to gain a better understanding of the subject.

Whether you are an adult with a full-time job, and you want to move up in the world, or you think that your child would benefit from the pacing and attention involved in an online high school, this educational choice may be the one for you. There are a variety of options out there, so do some research and find out which one will work best for your circumstances.

The Relationship Between Development and Learning

The Relationship Between Development and Learning

Psycho-physical development

Developing it is not the same as growing,as the same otherwise. Development is a process of qualitative change in the quality of the function of bodily organs, not a bodily organ itself. Development will continue until the person ended his life. Meanwhile, growth occurs only until a person reaches physical maturity. It mean that people can not grow taller if limit growth. However, there are still some thing questionable about differences between the two terms above. Development essentially is changes in the human body and spiritual moving towards perfect. Term of development in the sense of thorough as will more often i involve the use of next working through. This determination is based on consideration more of dominant the use of the word development  in the sense of psycho-physical than growth which is present in books and journals.

According to the book (Psikologi Belajar, 2005) development process includes :
1.      Motor development, is processes progressive of development and related with the acquisition a variety of physical skills of children.
2.      Cognitive development, is development of intellectual functioning or capability development process/intelligence of the child's brain.
3.      Social and moral development, is process of rebound development in related with changes method of  children on communicated with other people, both individuals although as a group.

·        Motor development

(Syah, 2005) Briefly the motor development can also be understood as any situation that increase or result in the stimulation of the organs of physical activity. Physical  development of the child process has lasted for two decades since he was born. Development occurs in childhood was a teenager between 12 or 13 years until 21 or 22 years.
What the provision if the newborn child was taken as the basis for the development of life in the world? There are two basic answers for this question, that is provision of motor capacity and provision of sensory capacity. All of the capacity was taken children from mother’s womb both of motor capacity and sensory capacity is capital base looks immediately useful of the continued of development.
There are four factors stimulus to continuance  development of motor skills , that is :
1.      Growth  and development of the nervous system,
2.      Growth of muscles,
3.      Development and growth of endocrine function,
4.      Changes in the physical structure.
In connection with can be said that physical of development more significance than chronological age it self.

·        Cognitive development

(Khun, 2013) Cognitive Development contains the very best empirical and theoretical work on the development of perception, memory, language, concepts, thinking, problem solving, meta cognition, and social cognition. Criteria for acceptance of articles will be: significance of the work to issues of current interest, substance of the argument, and clarity of expression.
For purposes of publication in Cognitive Development, moral and social development will be considered part of cognitive development when they are related to the development of knowledge or thought processes.
The Publisher are resolute in their determination to maintain and enhance the reputation of Cognitive Development as a leading journal in the field, publishing papers of high quality in an expeditious manner.
They remain committed to serving the best interest of the community of researchers, readers, and subscribers who have helped make the journal the success it is, and to increasing the value of Cognitive Development to those who work in the field in the future.

·         Process of Cognitive Development.

 As a biologist,  (Huitt, 2003) was interested in how an organism adapts to its environment. Behavior (adaptation to the environment) is controlled through mental organizations called schemata (sometimes called schema or schemes) that the individual uses to represent the world and designate action. This adaptation is driven by a biological drive to obtain balance between schemes and the environment (equilibration). 

Huitt  hypothesized that infants are born with schema operating at birth that he called "reflexes." In other animals, these reflexes control behavior throughout life. However, in human beings as the infant uses these reflexes to adapt to the environment, these reflexes are quickly replaced with constructed schemata. Huiit described two processes used by the individual in its attempt to adapt: assimilation and accommodation. Both of these processes are used though out life as the person increasingly adapts to the environment in a more complex manner.
·        Stages of Cognitive Development. Huiit  identified four stages in cognitive development:
  1. Sensorimotor stage (Infancy). In this period (which has 6 stages), intelligence is demonstrated through motor activity without the use of symbols. Knowledge of the world is limited (but developing) because its based on physical interactions / experiences. Children acquire object permanence at about 7 months of age (memory). Physical development (mobility) allows the child to begin developing new intellectual abilities. Some symbolic (language) abilities are developed at the end of this stage.
  2. Pre-operational stage In this period (which has two sub stages), intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, language use matures, and memory and imagination are developed, but thinking is done in a non-logical, nonrecoverable manner. Egocentric thinking predominates
  3. Concrete operational stage (Elementary and early adolescence). In this stage (characterized by 7 types of conservation: number, length, liquid, mass, weight, area, volume), intelligence is demonstrated through logical and systematic manipulation of symbols related to concrete objects. Operational thinking develops (mental actions that are reversible). Egocentric thought diminishes.
  4. Formal operational stage (Adolescence and adulthood). In this stage, intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. Early in the period there is a return to egocentric thought. Only 35% of high school graduates in industrialized countries obtain formal operations; many people do not think formally during adulthood.
Many pre-school and primary programs are modeled on Huiit's theory, which, as stated previously, provided part of the foundation for constructive learning. Discovery learning and supporting the developing interests of the child are two primary instructional techniques. It is recommended that parents and teachers challenge the child's abilities, but NOT present material or information that is too far beyond the child's level. It is also recommended that teachers use a wide variety of concrete experiences to help the child learn (e.g., use of manipulative s, working in groups to get experience seeing from anther's perspective, field trips, etc).
Huiit  research methods were based primarily on case studies (i.e., they were descriptive). While some  of his ideas have been supported through more cor relational and experimental methodologies, others have not. For example, Huiit believed that biological development drives the movement from one cognitive stage to the next. Data from cross-sectional studies of children in a variety of western cultures seem to support this assertion for the stages of sensorimotor, preoperational, and concrete operations (Renner, 1976).

·        Social and moral development

(Kohlberg, 1971) used these findings to reject traditional character education practices. These approaches are premised in the idea that virtues and vices are the basis to moral behavior, or that moral character is comprised of a "bag of virtues", such as honesty, kindness, patience, strength, etc. According to the traditional approach, teachers are to teach these virtues through example and direct communication of convictions, by giving students an opportunity to practice these virtues, and by rewarding their expression. However, critiques of the traditional approach find flaws inherent in this model. This approach provides no guiding principle for defining what virtues are worthy of espousal, and wrongly assumes a community consensus on what are considered "positive values". In fact, teachers often end up arbitrarily imposing certain values depending upon their societal, cultural, and personal beliefs. In order to address this issue of ethical relativity, some have adopted the values-clarification approach to moral education. This teaching practice is based on the assumption that there are no single, correct answers to ethical dilemmas, but that there is value in holding clear views and acting accordingly. In addition, there is a value of toleration of divergent views. It follows, then, that the teacher's role is one of discussion moderator, with the goal of teaching merely that people hold different values; the teacher does attempt to present her views as the "right" views.


Developmental stage is basically a progressive human psycho physical changes   from birth until death. Psycho physical development consists of motor development, cognitive development, social and moral development.

Hal-hal lucu yang tidak lucu

Saya menemukan hal-hal lucu yang tidak lucu, betapa ajaibnya tanggapan manusia saat datang sebuah nasehat. Agar tulisan ini menjadi komprehensif, maka akan saya daftar hal-hal lucu yang tidak lucu tersebut.

1. Ketika datang nasehat, mereka berkata: "Urus saja urusan masing-masing"
Ini lucu tapi tidak lucu, karena hampir setiap manusia yang mengaku muslim tahu surah pendek yang penting sekali. Impossible jika mereka bilang tidak tahu, karena surah ini masuk dalam surah yang bahkan diajarkan saat TK, SD, usia kanak-kanak. Yaitu surat Al 'Ashr: (I) Wal Asri (II) Innal Insan nalafi khusr, (III) ilallazi na'amanu wa'amilus sallehati, Watawa saubil haq watawa saubil sabr.
Tahu, kan? Apa terjemahan surah itu? Here we go: (I) Demi masa, (II) Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar dalam kerugian, (III) Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasehat menasehati supaya mentaati kebenaran dan nasehat menasehati supaya menetapi kesabaran.
Jelas sudah, surah ini bilang manusia itu dalam posisi default rugi. Saya, anda, kita semua dalam posisi rugi. Kecuali yang melakukan tiga hal: beriman, mengerjakan amal saleh, dan saling menasehati. Maka, orang-orang yang bilang urus saja urusan masing-masing, jelas sekali tidak paham agamanya.

2. Ketika datang nasehat, mereka berkata: "Jangan sok suci."
Jika urusan saling menasehati harus menunggu semua orang suci dulu, maka bubar kehidupan ini. Ini juga favorit sekali reaksi orang-orang yang ogah dinasehati. Kalaupun seseorang itu tidak suci, maka bukan berarti kewajiban untuk menasehati jadi gugur. Adalah jalan menuju kebaikan ketika seseorang rajin mengingatkan, menasehati, secara terus menerus, hingga akhirnya perbuatan maksiat, dosa yang dia lakukan menjadi berangsur-angsur berkurang. Ada banyak nasehat ulama besar atas hal ini, silahkan dibaca buku2 mereka. Betapa indah nasehat tersebut.

3. Ketika datang nasehat, mereka berkata: "Memangnya lu sudah melakukan apa yg lu bilang."
Bukan urusan kita menilai hal ini. Itu urusan Tuhan. Jelas bahwa: besar sekali kebencian Tuhan atas orang-orang yang tidak melakukan apa yang dia katakan. Tapi itu bukan urusan kita. Jika setiap kali nasehat datang, kita sibuk bertanya hal ini, memang lu sudah? Maka rusaklah keseimbangan dalam masyarakat. Kalaupun kita tahu seseorang itu memang munafik pol, pendusta maksimal, hanya pencitraan saja nasehatnya, jangan diserang dengan kalimat tersebut, didiamkan saja, jika memang tidak tahan lagi, lakukan secara personal dan langsung. Ini kadang mengenaskan sekali, masa' kita bertengkar ditonton banyak orang. Membuat orang lupa substansi nasehatnya.
Nah, jika masih mau ngotot tidak suka sama yg memberikan nasehat, silahkan besok lusa pas shalat Jum'at atau Idul Fitri, kalian berseru ke khatibnya, "Memangnya ente sudah melakukan apa yg lu ceramahkan, Khatib?". Berani tidak? Jangan beraninya hanya di media sosial. Yg bisa berlindung karena tdk kelihatan fisiknya.

4. Ketika datang nasehat, mereka berkata: "Bisa nggak sih dakwahnya lebih santun."
Tidak ada nasehat baik yang keliru. Yang salah itu orang2 yang tidak memberikan nasehat. Ketika kita kehilangan argumen secara substansif untuk ngeles, kehabisan argumen berdasarkan dalil untuk membantah sebuah nasehat, maka jangan pernah justeru menyerang sisi elementernya. Menyenangkan memang melakukannya, karena memberi kepuasan temporer di hati, tapi itu dusta hati yang kotor, tapi, tapi, tapi, itu semua kulit bawang halus yang kita ciptakan untuk membentengi kesalahan. Dan hal ini amat kontraproduktif, bayangkan, kita menyerang langsung secara terbuka ditonton banyak orang. Maka orang-orang lebih asyik menonton, bukan mendengarkan substansi nasehat. Saya menyarankan semua orang rajin membaca terjemahan Al Qur'an, membaca hadist, boleh jadi, kalian akan paham betapa banyaknya peringatan yang disampaikan dengan keras, perumpamaan yang sangat menohok hati (manusia disamakan dengan binatang ternak), dsbgnya.

5. Ketika datang nasehat, mereka berkata: "Lantas lu siapa yang menasehati?"
Emosi sesaat yang muncul karena kita menolak sesuatu masuk. Jangan pernah jadikan itu alasan untuk menyimpulkan sesuatu yang boleh jadi tidak benar, hanya prasangka kita saja. Kita kenal juga nggak dengan orang yang memberikan nasehat. Menurut orang banyak, justeru sebaliknya, bisa melihat dengan lebih kristal, kalau orang yang memberikan nasehat terbuka atas saling menasehati, terbuka atas pro dan kontra, dan jelas membiarkan orang lain membantah. Menurut ego kita saja yang tidak.

Saya akan menutup tulisan ini dengan sebuah nasehat menawan hati, yang saya temukan dari film: bahwa berbuat baik, termasuk di dalamnya saling menasehati adalah tanggung-jawab (responsibility). Tidak pernah menjadi pilihan (choice).

Nah, peradaban manusia bisa bertahan ratusan karena masih ada yang mengambil tanggung-jawab tersebut, jika tidak, maka dia akan hancur binasa oleh tangan manusia sendiri, atau digulung oleh azab Tuhan. Bacalah sejarah2 peradaban lama. Pastikan bahwa nasehat itu ada dua kaki: Amar ma'ruf, nahi munkar. Menyeru kepada kebaikan, itu sudah banyak, tapi yang mencegah kemungkaran, berdiri gagah mengingatkan hal2 mungkar, kita semua dibebani kewajiban tersebut.